Every day I do a little cooking, loving, playing, praising, crafting, praying, and learning as I "Rain" it all in.

Monday, July 29, 2013

School Prep

It's about that time. As we approach August, I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I realize that not only is my oldest starting Kindergarten, but so am I...we are beginning a homeschool journey that seems a little strange and thrilling to me and I think a little of the same for my child, too.

So, I was contemplating this homeschool journey and thinking about blogging it here, but I really think, rather than go on and on about that, I will just share things I am learning as a mom, along with the usual food, garden, home, etc type stuff. From time to time, I will share some fun things that we've discovered but since I have found that I can get easily bogged down by reading other homeschooler's blogs, I won't go there often.

What I will do, is share this super cute Pinterest project (one of few I managed to do this summer) that I did with my boys to celebrate the Fourth.

Aren't they cute!? We did their handprint with blue fabric paint and I painted the stripes in red with a sponge brush. In hindsight, I think I would've done grey shirts...they don't stay white long! (: We were sure to put their names and the year on them too, so someday, when I make them t-shirt quilts, I can add these little cuties to it.

Happy Back-to-School, whatever that may look like for you and your family! Have a great year!!