Every day I do a little cooking, loving, playing, praising, crafting, praying, and learning as I "Rain" it all in.

Friday, April 6, 2012

World Vision Update

So.....we finally (a couple weeks ago) managed to raise our $100 for our World Vision gift of two chickens and a goat! This was something my four year old and I started around Thanksgiving and we put in pocket change, a dollar here and there, and he put in lots of his spending money (not just from his giving jar) into the bucket and we did it!!

Now, we have begun a new gift to work on...5 rabbits for $80. The boy is loving this and I love seeing him want to put all the change he can find in the bucket and seeing how fast we can fill it up! I discovered a clean cottage cheese container with a slot in the lid is a great way to do this because you can count it periodically and when you do lots of change like we do, you can take the whole thing to be cashed in when it's full and put the cash back in it right then. We put a picture of the rabbit on the container just like we did the goat and chicken one and we are all set!!

Also, World Vision will send you a card with a picture representing the gift you gave.

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