Every day I do a little cooking, loving, playing, praising, crafting, praying, and learning as I "Rain" it all in.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thrifty Thursday--Cheap and Clean

I LOVE baking soda....No, not just to use in baking, though I do bake a lot...I love it for CLEANING!!

There are a zillion uses for baking soda if you scour the web, but here are some that I've tried out that work great:
1. Most people know about putting the box of baking soda in the fridge, but it also works great in diaper pails!
2. Cleaning stainless sink...wet the sink, sprinkle with soda and scrub a little, rinse it really good and it's shiny!
3. Use it in your garbage disposal...sprinkle some in and let it set a couple minutes, then run disposal
4. Getting stains out of your crockpot...I do not like to spend forever scrubbing stubborn stains out of my white crock, but by making a paste just like cleaning the sink and letting it sit just a couple minutes, all the stains will come off and it will be super clean once again...even the brown stuff from beans!
5. If you really want some super bubbly cleaning power for sippy cups, mix just a LITTLE vinegar with baking soda....be cautious because it will erupt (this is how they make those science project volcanoes! Seriously!)...works great for the cup, straws, lids, and the little valves, too.
6. Clean your coffee pot...I run vinegar and water through once first, then plain water about three times and put baking soda in the pot the second and third time...gets all the gunk out and makes it look like new with little or no scrubbing.
7. Sprinkle it on your carpet or rug and vacuum away! It will neutralize odors, even those caused by smelly little boys, and I would know! (; 

The best part is, baking soda is very cheap!!! And, you can buy large boxes of it, not just the tiny ones for an even better value.

Here's some more uses for baking soda, too!

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